Sunday, August 4, 2019

How are you doing?

That is a good question.  I truly sense sincere interest when friends and family ask me, “How are you doing?”  It is comforting to know others really care.  I am grateful.

Over a year ago in Michigan, on Friday August 3rd, my wife Kay received the first bad news of her pancreatic cancer.  She carefully recorded details in her mission journal.  With amazing courage, she instantly understood and braced herself for a biopsy the following week to confirm the CT-scan result.  Kay then prepared to share the news with family and friends, waiting till after a final diagnosis.  It came the following Friday, with a few words from a kind radiologist, who got right to the point and recommended we “go home for treatment near family” in Utah.

Sister Cannon was likely asked the usual question on Sunday the 5th in our Roseville Ward, but could not honestly answer.  Except for several leaders, our dear “Michigan Family” members including some not of our faith, first heard the news at church the next Sunday, a day after our departure.  As arranged, the bishop read to his congregation our farewell, emailed from a hotel Saturday night.  It was not the standard celebration they had planned for July, eleven months later.  Sweet love and concern were expressed by friends close to our heart.  Kay’s final entry in her mission journal was that Sunday the 12th of August: “Slept in, went to church at 1pm in Holt MI, met Knightons, stayed for sacrament and two talks on gratitude & faith. Back to journey.”

To this day, missing our Kay, it comforts me to hear loved ones ask me the question.  I feel blessed.  So, I ask my readers, “How are you doing?”  I really want to know.  My sincere desire is to exercise my faith in your behalf and provide assurance of Heavenly Father’s love for you.

Kay's little "truck" loaded in Roseville, heading west
into the sunset of our lives, 11 August 2018