Thursday, August 1, 2019

Visual Aids

Here it is — the first of August, and the first day of school for our Arizona family.  I can only imagine the preparation their teachers did during the summer for lessons and visual aids.

Last Tuesday for home evening, a young family was well prepared with a lesson about Paul, the Apostle, including their big pet snake as a visual aid.  (A poisonous viper bit Paul, and God protected him, amazing the island people who witnessed it.)  Several assisted-living residents were squeamish at the sight of a young girl holding the slithering pet around her neck, but they will likely remember the true story.

I recall admiring pictures and posters prepared by my favorite English teacher, Mrs. Cannon, in her high school classroom.  Despite the stress preceding the start of each school year, Kay put her heart into preparation for her students’ education.  She made it inspiring ... and fun!  (It seems most young people are visual learners, hooked on images.)  Hopefully, stored on my old external drive, I have photos of some of Kay’s visual aids in the classroom.  Someday I will get a few thousand of my oldest pics organized — some real treasures!