Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Summer Siestas Too

A little “work in progress” is still waiting since the end of August 2012, looking like my shortest post ever.  Time to wrap it up with a fast, finishing post.

Seven years ago, I was “ready to move on to a normal work schedule.  One thing I will miss, however, is the summer siesta.  Others have written about the health benefits of the afternoon nap ...  Speaking from personal experience, I’m convinced it saved my life!”

What is my experience since then?  More siestas in the evening than afternoon — crazy.  I’ve heard that does not work for typical older folks.  Works for me anytime.  The thing is (a useless phrase ... unless someone needs an alert that a main point is coming), I am more productive after a nap, regardless of the time of day or night.  Driving on the road (or off-road, which damages ecosystems), that means arriving in one piece.  That said (a superfluous phrase I prefer to avoid, but I just said anyway), there are demands on our time that are hard to ignore.  Meetings at 7pm, for example — a favorite time for my power nap following fast food.

As a child, I sometimes resisted summer siestas (called naps then), but not consistently like active kids these days.  I tried to be a good boy and let Mother be productive ... or rest herself.  In fact, favorite memories of my preschool and kindergarten days are of naps on mats.  In our fast-paced society, I believe it’s a thing of the past.  Early-to-bed is favored.

A nap for all seasons — like a wrap on the day ... before a good read (no TV) and a night’s sleep.

... or meditation by the sea would do it for me